Flutter Profile

Flutter Profile is a package you can use to display any user data and let them alter it if desired.

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Display every type of user data. Display an image/avatar. Enable the user to alter his data or withhold the user from doing so.


To use this package, add flutter_profile as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

How To Use

See the Example Code for an example on how to use this package.

Underneath are all paramters, of the 'ProfilePage' widget, listed with an explanation.

Parameter Explaination
user The class that contains all the user data.
service The service which determines what happens the user wants to update their profile, update their avatar or press the InkWell at the bottom of the page.
style With the use of ProfileStyle a couple of style options can be set for the form.
customAvatar An option to override the standard avatar.
showAvatar The ability to disable/enable the avatar.
itemBuilder The way to override the standard textfield for each standard piece of user data.
itemBuilderOptions The options used by the standard itemBuilder to alter the function and style of the textfields
prioritizedItems The items that are displayed at the top of the page. Before all the other items in the list and the default items

By default input fields are saved after pressing 'enter' inside of the input field.


Please file any issues, bugs or feature request as an issue on our GitHub page. Commercial support is available if you need help with integration with your app or services. You can contact us at support@iconica.nl.

Want to contribute

If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.


This flutter_profile for Flutter is developed by Iconica. You can contact us at support@iconica.nl

